Monday, May 24, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 WOD

7 sets of max reps:

Post highest and lowest rep count to comments
-use tree branch, towel, or rings
-regular pullups is the mod
For time:
Fireman Carry Uphill
21 Burpees
Fireman Carry Uphill
15 Burpees
Fireman Carry Uphill
9 Burpees

Post time to comments

(Modification is a partner drag)
Compare to May 7, 2010 WOD if doing mod


Tommy Joyce said...


6 reps lowest dead hang pullups, 8 was the highest.

TheOuthouseMouse said...

I had the honor of carrying the Godfather today. Right before I picked him up, he tells me that he is at his heaviest weight EVAR! So, now I have this pressure of not dropping the GF and carrying him while he's enormously heavy and then I get to hear him heckle me at the same time..."Hey, don't drop me! Faster!"

I'm amazed that I got it done in 5:40.