Monday, October 4, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010 WOD

Join me for technique/ strength work Wednesday night at my place if interested -- 5:45pm

Skill: Single Arm KB OHS
Challenge: (Best of 3 attempts at each)
-Max Rep Ring Pullups
-Max Rep Double-Unders
Post best score of each to comments

Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips

Post time to comments
-55lb KB Sub for 135 lb Squat Clean


[Mongoose] said...

I really wienered out on this one! Had a hard time with the 55's switched to 35's time was irrelevant. Mosquitos were not helpful! But awesome workout. Wade made the kettle bells look like BB's!

[Mongoose] said...

Oh yeah Like aroudn 100 DU's. and 50 pullups total.