Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 WOD

3 Rounds on each hand:
5 KB Snatch
5 KB Flip

Max rounds in 20 min:
(Change hands each round)
KB Single Arm Hang. Squat Clean to Overhead 5 reps
KB Half Get-Ups 10 reps
KB Weighted Run 100m

Post time and weight to comments

1 comment:

DC said...

35lbs for the warm up. KB Flips rock!

WOD: 7 rounds* in 20 minutes using 35 lb KB for everything except the run (55 lb KB).

* Forgot to squat for my first set of hanging cleans to overhead, so did 5 extra squat cleans to overhead as penance before the clock ran out.