Sunday, February 7, 2010

Monday, February 9, 2010 WOD

5 Rounds for time:
Run 800m
2 pood KB Swing 30 reps
Pullups 30 reps

Post time to comments

-can be scaled down to 3 and 4 round versions.


DC said...

4 rounds in 46:38 using 1.5 Pood KB and running on the track.

greg said...

54:xx for 5 rds, used a paperweight for kb swings and ran track. I need a nap.

Jacob said...

36:41 for 4 rds, used 70lb for kb swings and ran track.

C2 endurance workout:
3 rds of 250m, 500m, 750m

DT said...

4 rounds 52:xx no band on pullups!!! 37:xxlb KB ran on track.

mitzi said...

37:02 for 4rds...
55lbs on the kb