Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010 WOD

-Obstacle course warmup
-Practice handstands/rolling technique/back lever

Max rounds in 20 min:
5 Rolling Burpees
5 Inverted Burpees
5 Obstacle Jump

-do kipups to handstand on inverted burpee if possible
-for obstacle jump, stack plates up high on a box, run and jump over

Post rounds to comments


DC said...

10 rounds completed, used medium box for jumps. Great WOD, people flying around everywhere!

Angela said...

completed 6 rounds

Greg G said...

Good times, enjoyed that one!

12 rounds using the kicking bag and a pad

After the first six rounds I realized I wasn't doing the handstand burpees right and standing up before the handstand... oh well

mitzi said...

11 rounds with the medium box