Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010 WOD

Bench Press
work up to 1 RM
10 min easy pace run
Tabata Row
Post total distance
10 min max effort run
Post total distance


DC said...

Bench Press 150lbs. Thanks to Mark F for the spotting and encouragement.
Did a 10 min max effort run last night (1.556 miles) so joined Rahul in a WOD he devised.

5 rounds for time
7 Deadlifts (315lb Rx)
21 Double Unders

6:36 using 205lbs

Mike W said...

Max bench 200lbs (new PR)
Tabata Row 939 meters
10 minute run, 38 laps = 1.27 miles

Friday's WOD = Build a snowman for time