Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010 WOD

Endurance/Skill Day

Run 400m or Row 500m for 6 rounds. Never slowing down more than 3 sec from best interval. Allow 2 min recovery between each round.

Post times to comments
8 Rounds of Double-Unders...30 sec on/20 sec off

Post lowest round total
Hollow Rocks and Stretching


Bobbie Jo said...

Kyle, yesterday was awesome but I think we need to incorporate some of this into our next training:

DC said...

1:18 / 1:38*/ 1:27 / 1:29 / 1:29 / 1:25

* Thought at the time I'd run one extra lap on round 2 and that appears to be confirmed by subtracting my average lap time (around 12 seconds). Sorry to Catherine and Justin who therefore also ran 8 laps :-)

Double Unders: 29

Greg G said...

1:16/1:13/1:11/1:09/1:12/1:08. I had a good case of the booty lock by the end.

Lowest double unders: 17