Monday, February 15, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010 WOD

Strength Day!

Clean, 1 rep
Bench press, 1 rep
Overhead squat, 1 rep

Clean is from the ground, power or squat.

Post total to comments.


DC said...

Power Clean: 170
Bench Press: 150
Overhead Squat: 125 (PR)
Total: 445

[Mongoose] said...

670 today, took it pretty easy

Greg G said...

Power clean: 205
Bench Press:205
Overhead squat: 175
Total: 585

Didn't feel like I was on my game today, next time...

Just BJ said...

Power clean: 155
Bench: 185
OHS: 120
and Holy Strength Day I'm sore