Monday, February 8, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010 WOD

Clean and Jerk
-work up to 1 RM.
-full squat clean

Post loads to comments


5 Rounds for time:
10 Front Squats

-Any pause/rest during an exercise earns you 10 burpees immediately
-Increase weight each round on front squats

Post time and loads for front squats


DC said...

C&J: 165 (PR).
Cleaned 170 for a PR but failed on the overhead.

5 rounds in 16:45.
Loads: 95-105-115-125-135.
HSPU not head to floor.
2 sets of burpees.

Angela said...

Full Squat Cling 85 lbs

wo - 65-65-70-70-75; 15:13 - ; back up hand stand push-ups; no burpees; struggle with form on front squats..wrist won't work with me

[Mongoose] said...

235 Squat Clean, No Overhead for me

Front Squats

Tigress said...

155 on C&J, cleaned 165 but bad form and not fully overhead.
85-105-115-125-135 on WOD
no burpees

mitzi said...

Clean = 145lbs

wod- 75-85-95-105-115
time was 9something
shared a bar with Kristy K:)