Thursday, September 16, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010 WOD

Link/Video : "A Brief History of Kettlebells"

5 Rounds for time:
10 KB Power Clean to Overhead
30 Double-Unders

Post weight & time to comments
Compare to August 21, WOD

(5 on each hand, using 2 pood, 1.5 pood, 1 pood, or 20 lb KB)

Video: Advanced Lower Body Plyometrics
Check out for some interesting videos and information.  I don't agree with everything they post but most if it is pretty decent.  There is some really good info there on grip strength that is worth checkig out.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

Kyle Brandt said...

Josh J. (70 lb) 19:01
Holmes (70 lb) 14:51
Jon (55) 11:36
D.C. (55) 11:00
Wade (70) 10:05
Mongoose (70) 9:42
KB (70) 8:13

Eesh! This one will always feel terrible. Still fun though. There is much improvement here across the board from the 1st time we did this wod. Keep up the hard work everyone! KB