Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010 WOD

-Hip/Shoulder Mobility
-Dynamic Stretches (10 x 2 Front, Side, Back)
-Rolling Burpee Practice (10 Total)
-Inverted Burpee Variations

100 Inverted Burpees for time

Post time to comments

-add in a HSPU for more difficulty


Kyle Brandt said...

Tammie = 12 rounds (mod pull)
Vicki = 12 rounds (mod pull)
Josh J. = 9 rounds
Holmes = 15 rounds
D.C. = 15 rounds
KB = 19 rounds
Mongoose = 17 rounds
B.J. = 10 rounds (mod pull)
Wade = 10 rounds

Great job on your first day Tammie! Glad you made it in. KB

[Mongoose] said...

WOOHOOO. 17 rounds of inverted Burpees! In your face! But seriously I just had some Italian food and I hope all this going upside down stuff doesnt make me puke! Sttill looking forward to it though.