Sunday, September 12, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010 WOD

Meet at the bottom of the hill...

20 Inverted Burpees
20 Turkish Get-Ups w/Plate

More plate fun...

For time:
100 Pushups
50 Squats
Weighted Hill Run
50 Situps
100 Double-Unders

Post time to comments

-(Use a 45, 35, 25, or 10 lb plate for all exercises except double-unders.  Fun times!)


Holmes said...

awesome workout holmes!

Kyle Brandt said...

This was brutal! Great job's going to be a great week. Big plans for Saturday too!

Holmes 26:49 (45)
Josh J. 32:45 (45)
Sarah 24:08 (5k)
Austin 26:16 (25)
B.J. 34:56 (25)
Mongoose 33:45 (45)
KB 21:30 (45)