Thursday, April 15, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010 WOD

Weighted Ring Dips 5-5-5-5
Max rounds in 20 min:
Power Clean, 3 reps
Weighted Pullup, 6 reps
Box Jumps, 9 reps

Post rounds and loads to comments

-Guys use 25% of bodyweight for pullups.
-Girls use 15% of bodyweight for pullups.


DC said...

Only managed 3 rounds of ring dips, used 25lbs.

6 rounds of WOD using 145lbs for power cleans and 35lbs for pullups.

Jon said...

5 rounds at 185lb cleans and 40lb on pull ups. WOWY WOOWY!!!

mitzi said...

8 rounds at 145lbs power cleans and 25lbs for pullups