Sunday, June 27, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010 WOD


Three rounds for time of:
75 Squats
25 Ring handstand push-ups
25 L-pull-ups

Post time to comments

-meet at bottom of the hill


DC said...

25:38 with regular HSPU.

Kyle Brandt said...

We had about 10 people come out for this one today, but I only got 4 of the times. It was brutal and I really appreciate so many people coming out during the later session. Fight in the rain!!!

Mark F. 29:15
Mongoose 33:43
Natalie 18:10 (mod)
Ivan 33:43
D.C. 25:38

[Mongoose] said...

Great group at the 5:45 class. One these type of days especially, you really get to see what it's all about.

Ivan, glad you were over there doing pullups with me, thanks for the push! My slow time would have been even slower with out it.

I had a blast!