Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010 WOD

"Pavel Kettlebell Certification Exam"
(Today we will be performing the actual physical exam of the Pavel Kettlebell System. This is just for our own information and enjoyment. The normal is exam can only be passed if an individual finishes in under 5 minutes. I won't hand you a certificate with a smiley face on it if you succeed--sorry. But I'm sure I will still be smiling. Click here for more information on the Pavel certification and method, along with standards of movement.)
100 KB Snatches for time
Post time and weight to comments
-You may switch hands when needed
-KB may be set down, never dropped
-Goal is under 5 min
Windmill Practice with KB

1 comment:

DC said...

5:32 using 35lb KB.