Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010 WOD

Start at the top of the hill, burpees at the bottom, run back up ...

For time:
75 Box Jumps
100 Situps (facing uphill)
75 Squats
50 Burpees
Run back to starting position

Post time to comments

Compare to May 1, 2010 WOD


DC said...

25:33 with lenient form on HSPU.

Kyle Brandt said...

Michael 24:50
Luke 26:45
Tommy 25:05
DC 25:33
Amanda 36:20
Mongoose 24:43
Wade 30:04
Kelsi 32:35
Sarah 28:40
Mark 22:31
Austin 28:13
Clayton 25:38
Natalie 16:03

TheOuthouseMouse said...

32 minutes and some change. Burpees at the end and the uphill running was a beating.