Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 WOD

Could be raining tomorrow...meet at the top of the hill!
Also check the blog for info on moving equipment. Fingers crossed!

Max time handstand hold
-10 attempts total
-Freestanding or wall
-No more than 3 attempts if using wall.

Post best score to comments
For time:
150 Double-Unders
100 Squats
75 Situps
25 Burpees

Post time to comments

-Shoot for under 25 min!
-Compare to April 7, 2010 WOD


DC said...

HS to a count of 8 against the wall.

WOD: 16:41. Finished just barely ahead of The Godfather who was doing this WOD for the second time today - and he beat his 1130 time!

We're not worthy, we're not worthy!

Kyle Brandt said...

I did this wod three times today...once with each class of the day. Each of my times are listed at the very end. Big mistake Dr. Jones! Kelsi, your hspu are looking great! Amanda, keep up the hard work, your form is getting better each session. Im quite proud of all the effort put forth today. KB

Tommy 23:50
D.C. 16:41
Carlos 20:00
Justin 20:30
Mongoose 23:43
Mark F. 18:15
Austin 20:08
D.G. 21:10
Wade 21:46
Natalie 19:37 (100 DU)
Kelsi 28:17 (100 DU)
Amanda 18:41
KB 16:49/16:42/15:56

TheOuthouseMouse said...

20:30 here.