Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 WOD

Ring Dips
5 sets of max reps (1 min rest in between)

Post total rep count to comments
-you may use a KB and do weighted Ring Dips.
-Post weight used.
Max rounds in 20 min:
5 Inverted BurpeesBold
10 Knee Tuck Jumps
15 Clapping Pushup

Post rounds to comments

-(modify clapping pushup by using elevated surface if needed.)


DC said...

Weighted Ring Dips: 17 total using a 35lb KB.
WOD: 6 rounds RX'd

Kyle Brandt said...

Did around 30 reps total with 35lb kb ring dip. Only did 5 rounds of WOD but did kipup to handstand with no support...very very brutal. Fun stuff though. KB

[Mongoose] said...

I think I did around 40 Dips with a 35 KB. 7 rounds and some on the workout.