Sunday, January 10, 2010

Monday, January 11, 2010 WOD

Don't forget that the 4:45 session starts today!

Clean and Jerk 1-1-1-1-1
Deadlift 5-5-5

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3 Rounds for time:
10 Med Ball Slam
10 Chest to Bar Pullups
10 Overhead Lunges (45 lb plate)

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Unknown said...
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DC said...

C&J: 135-145-155-160(PR)-165(Power Cleaned OK (PR),failed on Jerk)
DL: 185-205-225
3 rounds in 5:05 using 20lb MB and 45lb plate.

Fun WOD today.

[Mongoose] said...

225 clean & Jerk x1
405 DL x5

3:54 on part 2

Kyle Brandt said...

Clean and Jerk: 215
Deadlift: 365
(very picky on form)

Timed Session = 3:13

Unknown said...

Clean and Jerks:165-175-175-175-175
Timed Session:5:58

Fun Workout!

Holmes said...

CJ - 215
Deadlift: 365
Time session: 4:10

David Goodman said...

C & J: 245(PR)
DL: 275

Timed Session = 3:19

Greg G said...

C&J 165, 175,175,175,180
DL 215, 245, 255

Timed session - 3:31

Jacob said...

Clean - Jerk - 195lb
Deadlift - ???

4:03 - waited 32 seconds for a med ball

mitzi said...

155 clean and jerk
255 deadlift
3:54 on the wod