Friday, January 29, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010 WOD

No 10:00 session!

11:00am Outdoor Park Session!

Tillery Park

Max in 20 min:
20 Squats
30 Double-Unders

Post rounds to comments
-Stair Run...on the minute.
-Wall Climbs and craziness.

Tillery Park is located off of Forest Park Blvd. If heading South down Forest Park, turn right when you see a sign that says Berkeley Place...there is also a sign there that says Tillery Park. It is the second to last street before you reach the Forest Park/McCart merge. Please call me if you need help getting there, and be sure to bundle up! We will head over to Central Market afterwards. I know it will be cold, but I promise fun times.



DC said...

7 rounds, HSPU form even more awful than usual.

Then 5 rounds of 1 stair run and 15 jump squats in 5:55.

[Mongoose] said...

It was cold, muddy, and awesome! Central Market was ,much fun after. Nothing like beer and pizza after a freezing workout.