Monday, January 25, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010 WOD

3 Rounds:
Press Balance 3 reps
Snatch Balance 6 reps

95 lbs (max reps)
135 lbs (max reps)
155 lbs (max reps)

-2 min rest in between

Post total reps to comments

For time:
95 lb OHS 21 reps
Pullups 42 reps
95 lb OHS 15 reps
Pullups 30 reps
95 lb OHS 9 reps
Pullups 18 reps

Post time to comments


Jacob said...

6:00 am Endurance Workout:
2X12 min. intervals (1.85 miles each round)

Lunch Workout:
95 lbs - 21 reps
135 lbs - 12 reps
155 lbs - 5 reps

WOD - 9:14

Kyle Brandt said...

"Josh" in 7:57 as Rxd.

-No shoulder pain today! Finally feeling good again. I did skip the thrusters just to be safe. Great job today so far everyone. Form on OHS is looking better across the board.

DC said...

Thrusters: 15/1/3 at 95/135/135
"Josh" in 14:06 using 75lbs for the OHS.

Angela said...

16:18; green band; 18 pound bar

mitzi said...

8:51 as Rxd