Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 WOD

Run or Row 5k for time

Post time to comments
Stretch after!


Jacob said...

I would like to challenge each and every one of you all that are deciding to run to step off of the treadmill. If you have been training on a treadmill for some time now, try running on the track. You will notice a huge difference. The difference is going to be the fact that your legs are now pulling your body forward whereas on a treadmill the belt is pulling your legs. Of coure some may still want to run on the treadmill, and that's fine, if this is the case try increasing the incline to just .5 in order to simulate the track.

Just BJ said...

That's strong advice Jacob. For health reasons I can't run on a track. Even treadmills are dicey, but I can do it occasionally and i can step up the incline too, now that you mention it. Done

Just BJ said...

Oh yeah, and today's 5k row: 21:51

DT said...

24:15 ROW-a full 3 minutes faster than last time.

DC said...

Ran 5k at home in 21:07. Flat treadmill, none of that crazy incline talk from Jacob!

[Mongoose] said...

20:47 Row....faster than my 5K run.

I would like to challenge everyone to run a 5K upside down on their hands over hot coals...that would be something!

Greg G said...

5k Run 0.5 Incline: 20:47.

Running outside is definitely more entertaining. Running on your hands over hot coals is not.

Jacob said...

Did the swim workout at lunch (very difficult).
Evening run at Arlington Heights Track - 3 miles