Thursday, March 11, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010 WOD

15 Rolling Burpees
25 OHS (bar only)

(1st wod from this weekends sectionals in Tulsa)

3 Rounds for time:
500m Row
135 lb Squat Clean to Overhead 10 reps
Pullups (no butterfly allowed) 10 reps

Post time to comments

-sub for the 500m row is a 4oom run
Wish everyone luck this weekend! Looks like Rahul and I are out of the competition. I know everyone else will do a great job. I will be updating the blog with competitor's times over the next two days.
--- KB


DC said...

22:30 Rx'd weight. Rowed the first round, ran on the track for the second and third rounds.

Good luck to all Downtown CrossFitters in Tulsa!

Mike W said...

~22 minutes. Flew through the rowing & pullups, but the squat cleans to overhead killed me. Good thing I didn't go to Tulsa only to get eliminated in the first workout! Maybe next year.