Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010 WOD

4 Rounds:
5 Military Press
10 Jump Squat

Post weight used for each to time
30 Muscle-ups for time

Post time to comments.

(If you cannot do the muscle-ups do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips)


Holmes said...

worked up to 155 on military press and 155 on weighted jump squat

wrist injury still does not allow for muscle ups. Able to get two though on rings

DC said...

30 Muscle Ups on bar no band 14:34. Sloooooow today.

MP/JS: 75-85-95-95

[Mongoose] said...

165 MP x5
145 Weighted jump squats x10

30 Muscle Ups in 9:51. Wrists are Burning!! Getting better at false grip though...