Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010 WOD

Radioshack Hill!

150 Pushups for time
(3 x 40 yd uphill sprint for each rest)

Post time and sets to comments


Holmes said...


DC said...

16:26, CTF, 3 sets of uphill sprints.

A beautiful day for a Radioshack Hill WOD!

Just BJ said...

time: 21 and change.
sets: 50, 34, 28, 23, and a very sketchy 15

also i owe you 3 laps for that final fail at 149.

Jacob said...

Can we do this workout someday:
Fight Gone Bad Tug of War" In this version of Fight Gone Bad, you go head-to-head in a Tug-O-War with your partner. Partner A goes first and has 1 minute to accumulate as many reps as possible. His number becomes the working score for that movement for the pair of athletes. At the call of "switch", instead of switching movements as in a normal FGB, Partner A rests, while Partner B takes his turn on the same movement. His goal is to reduce the score back to 0 (or lower). The pair continues this way, competing to keep the score on the positive or negative side of zero through each of five stations (Wall Ball, Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Box Jump, Burpees & Row) alternating as described. At the end of one round there is a 1 minute rest during which you may change which partner goes first

matt.slimmer said...

First Crossfit workout today! Did 100 push ups and about 9 sprints. Did some foam rolling and t-spine work after. Nice meeting everyone today, see you next time!


Kyle Brandt said...

Great job today Matt! Welcome to the crew. KB

Kyle Brandt said...

Brian, I won't forget about those final 3 sprints. You owe me the next time I see you! KB

TheOuthouseMouse said...


[Mongoose] said...

I think 25 something, guess I lost my MOJO today. Oh well, I was still pretty tired, thats what matters right!?

mitzi said...

5 rests! 21:17