Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010 WOD

Video: Highgear demonstration

another one...here

-Equipment coming soon at Brandt Fitness & Self Defense

-Handstand practice with partner
-15 Bridges (hold for 5 sec)

Ring Dip

Post time to comments
Tabata Sprint Uphill
-8 Rounds
-Slight mod...10 sec run/10 sec squat hold/10 sec rest


Jacob said...

Awesome workout. I am a fan of the hill and being outside.

TheOuthouseMouse said...

HSPU was a little difficult up against the tree. I also need to work on my ring dips.

[Mongoose] said...

My slowest "JT" ever!!! something about doing HSPU on Trees, it was great being outside though.

Anonymous said...

8:41, I think. I know that seems fast but take into consideration that I can only go down about two inches on my handstand pushups. That tends to speed things up a bit.