Sunday, May 2, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010 WOD

-Dynamic Stretches Upper and Lower Body
-Partner Wheelbarrow (20-15-10)
from May 8, 2004 of the main site...

Max rounds in 20 min:
35 Squats
25 Pushups

Post rounds and fractions of rounds to comments

-shoot for at least 10 rounds


DC said...

7 rounds completed and half way through the squats on the 8th.

Kyle Brandt said...

Did 9 rounds earlier today, and 8 rounds with the 5:45 crew. Couldn't resist doing this one twice...great weather. Good job today everyone! We had 16 people again today...turning out to be a great week. Lots more fun ahead.

TheOuthouseMouse said...

I was on Round 7 when the whistle blew, but I think DC might have gotten more squats in than I.

mitzi said...

10 rds

Anonymous said...

nine rounds