Thursday, July 29, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010 WOD

Who is excited?!?! -- 5:45 Session/Cookout at my house!

6:30 am Session at the Hill:
4 Rounds of 800m Run, resting 2 min between each attempt

Post each time to comments
5:45 Strength Session/ Cookout at my place!

2525 Forest Park Blvd.
Fort Worth, Tx. 76110

(Note:  This session is for current members of Downtown CrossFit only.  I strongly encourage everyone to come out...will definitely be fun times.  BYOM (Bring your own meat) if you want to grill after some hard work.  Please call in advance if you have any questions or need help with driving directions.  Gym will be opening soon...time to get used to those crazy barbells again!  This will be a time to either work on form/technique, or improve strength.  I will also have a timed workout ready if you so desire.  Details will be announced upon arrival!)


[Mongoose] said...

where is Mij????!!! Who are these dog imposters?

[Mongoose] said...

So much fun! Steak and heavy deadlifts...I think I could spend every Friday like that!