Thursday, July 8, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010 WOD

For time:
Bear Crawl 40 yards
Backwards Crawl 40 yards
21 Burpees
Bear Crawl 40 yards
Backwards Crawl 40 yards
15 Burpees
Bear Crawl 40 yards
Backwards Crawl 40 yards
9 Burpees

Post time to comments
Partner Fireman Carry to top of hill!

20 Pushups @ each rest

Post partner name, number of rests, and time to comments


Holmes said...

Really fun wkt did first one in 9:30

Props to DC for his cardio awesomeness

Fireman Carry was the best part however. DC I would rescue you from a fire any day!

DC said...

WOD in 7:14.

Team Partner Fireman Carry up and down the hill with Holmes. I think it was 5 rests when we switched. I was fortunate to do the carrying on the less steep parts of the hill. :-)

[Mongoose] said...

8:35 I think! I carried Wade a short distance up the hill did 40 pushups, Wade didnt really have to put me down at all.

Just hope that Wade is around in case you get caught in a fire and need to be carried out like a small child.