Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wednesday, July 28, 2010 WOD

Meet at bottom of the hill, and don't hate me...

-Dynamic Stretches

150 Wall Ball Shots for time

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150 Wall Ball Slams for time

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DC said...

13:20 for Karen. Struggled today but 75 wall ball slams afterwards made me feel better, 5.xx.

Kyle Brandt said...

Woohoo! Everyone's favorite workout. There were actually some pretty crazy times on this one today. Second time Im posting is for 50 Ball Slams...David Christie did 75. Austin crushed "Karen" in 6:11 today!!!

D.C. 13:20/5:22 (75)
Carlos 11:30/3:45
Vicki 13:17/3:33
Sarah 12:35/3:49
Austin 6:11/2:10
Wade 9:17/3:12
Nat 7:20/2:33
Josh 7:20/4:02
Lupe 12:49/3:29
Christina 12:05/2:23

[Mongoose] said...

The Minotaur took over Austin today. We have another sectionals competitor on our team!