Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009 WOD

Rest Day!

(Today is a rest day if you have been in three days in a row. Come in for foam roller exercises and a CrossFit endurance session. Otherwise, make up a session you have missed from this week!)

Here are your options for the endurance session:

Bike: 3 x 5k with 2min recoveries. Best possible pace
Run: 3 x 1000m / 1k with 2 min recoveries. Best possible pace
C2: 2 X 1200m with 2 min recoveries. Best possible pace.


DC said...

Completed 7 rounds of Nate and was half way through the 8th set of KB swings.

Struggled with muscle ups on the rings so switched to the bar after the first round. Felt much better.

Did not get head to floor on HSPU. Really need to work on that.

Was pleased to get the 55lb KB overhead today in something vaguely resembling an American swing. Only had a couple of "uh-oh" moments due to being off balance!

Enjoyed my first Nate, that was deceptively tough. The sweat was pouring off me.

Great work today 12 o clock class, there were about 4 different WODs going. If that was a "rest" day I don't know what a work day looks like.

[Mongoose] said...

Nate: 8 Rnds

70lb dumbell swings Killed! My back was screaming at me, Like this, AHHHHHHHHHHHH!

mitzi said...

8 rounds of "Mary"
sub rope climbs for pull-ups

Jacob said...

30 minute run on the Trinity. 5 minute warm up, 20 minutes of PAIN: 20 seconds of lunges 40 seconds jogging repeating for 20 minutes. I think it was somwhere around 300 lunges. Finally a 5 minute cool down.